As a Social Enterprise, develop for the empowerment of underserved and historically disenfranchised residents of the Pullman Community and the surrounding neighborhoods of Chicago, Illinois, a sustainable eco-friendly mixed use "green" intergenerational community with a village environment, committed to lifelong education, health and economic development to be known as Imani Village.
IMANI VILLAGE will be home to:
An Education Innovation & Youth Development Center, educating Black children at the highest level, with a curriculum delivered from a culturally relevant perspective
Sustainable housing with intentional Green design elements to lower electricity and heating costs, and protect the environment
An Organic Community Garden providing a source of healthy food alternatives for one of the food deserts of the Southside
An Urban Farming and Agricultural Center that will educate and employ community residents
A Sports & Wellness Center providing alternative sports options for youth and young adults which could lead to NCAA scholarships and other sports opportunities not often available for African Americans.
A Retail Center providing community employment and consumer goods for the entire village
A Community Health Center that will deliver much needed services to an under-served area of the city
A culturally expressive Boutique Hotel that will serve as an economic driver for the neighborhood, providing careers and employment for community residents and serving as a Hospitality Center for the area residents and visitors
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One of the critical issues facing urban America is how we develop economically vibrant, educationally inspiring, spiritually- and physically-healthy communities. Our Southside Chicago community suffers from the ill effects of economic, physical and spiritual neglect. The cumulative effect of years of little to no investment has been the development of apathy of mind and spirit being passed from generation to generation.
The call of Trinity, and the church universal, will always be to set the captives free–this includes freeing people from the chains that bind their minds. We are mandated by Christ to live a life of love and justice, and to demonstrate love by seeking justice for the poor.
In order to meet the needs of our community and live out our call, Trinity United Church of Christ has embarked on a project called Imani Village. This development will be a beacon of hope in an area that has become accustomed to despair. Imani Village will be the first holistic, sustainable, and Green community sponsored by a faith-based entity in the City of Chicago.
Imani Village represents a unique collaboration between the faith community, local government and business interests, to provide a model for urban planning and development that delivers a sustainable green infrastructure, jobs and job training, healthy urban lifestyle alternatives, and an optimized educational environment.